3 Reasons Why Work Injuries Are Unreported

person holding a first aid kit walking towards a person sitting on the ground of a warehouse holding their knee with a pained look on their face

Why Would a Worker Not Report Their Accident?

An estimated two-thirds of workplace accidents go unreported; however,reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggest that this may actually be much higher. There are several reasons why an employee may choose not to report their incident, even if it may cause more injuries down the line. Read on to learn about three of the most common reasons why someone wouldn’t report their injury.

#1. Fear of Retaliation

One of the most common reasons why employees don’t report their workplace accidents and injuries is out of fear that they will face retaliation from their employer. This can look like being terminated from their position, working fewer hours, or even getting less pay. However, it’s important to know that Illinois protects workers from facing these repercussions when unsafe conditions contributed to their accident.

If you are facing workplace retaliation for pursuing a workers’ compensation claim, don’t hesitate to contact our team at (312) 487-2513

#2. Didn’t Know They Should Report

Despite Illinois mandating workers’ compensation, many employees are still unaware when, how, and where to report their accident. Fortunately, there is a bit of a grace period, and employees have 45 days to report their injury to their employer. Not doing so may negatively affect the ability to pursue a claim.

Along with this, employers must report any accidents and injuries to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission if an employee misses three or more days from work. This must be done within two days to one month depending on the severity.

Related Blog: Time Limits For Workers’ Compensation Claims In Illinois

#3. Being Discouraged to Report Accidents

It’s an unfortunate situation when a workplace discourages an employee from reporting the unsafe conditions that lead to their injury, and this can be done in several ways. Workers may have conversations in which they feel unsafe coming forward or otherwise are told to anticipate a negative social or work environment for reporting.

Even if this is the situation a worker finds themselves in, it’s always important to remember that from a federal level, they are protected from any discrimination or retaliation for whistleblowing in the workplace.

Protecting Illinois Workers For Over Two Decades

Leonard Law Group is proud to represent workers across Illinois who have been injured at work. In our over two decades of practice, we have successfully handled over 35,000 workers’ compensation and Personal Injury claims and are eager to help yours be successful.

Schedule a free consultation with us today by calling (312) 487-2513.

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