How to Prevent Accidents at Work

Most of the U.S. populations spend the majority of their days at work. Because we spend so much time here, statistically we are more likely to be injured on the job than anywhere else. Employers are, therefore, responsible for making their business as safe and hazard-free as possible for their employees. Here are a few tips on preventing the most common accidents.

Keep the Business Clean

One of the most common types of accidents is a slip and fall. Patches of moisture can catch anyone by surprise, and even the strongest worker might be unable to prevent his ankle from spraining or his leg from breaking. Some slip-and-fall accidents can even lead to concussions, which can cause a serious amount of brain damage if the accident is severe enough. Do your best to prevent this kind of mishap by keeping the floors clean. If your business is prone to spills, make sure your employees know to clean it up immediately. Large companies should have several areas where cleaning supplies are located, so employees can rush to grab them at a moment’s notice.

Use Proper Signage

Even properly trained employees might forget their training in a moment of panic. Having signs indicating proper safety procedures can help remind workers on a daily basis how to conduct emergency actions if there is a chemical spill, fire, or any other type of serious emergency.

Provide Ergonomic Supplies

One of the potential risks of doing the same kind of job over and over again is a repetitive stress injury (RSI). This kind of injury happens when workers perform the same activity repetitively, putting strain on the same areas of the body for an extended period. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one such condition, and if left untreated, it could result in a need for surgical correction. Providing your workers with ergonomic workstations and ensuring they take frequent breaks from their work can help prevent RSIs.

Maintain Your Vehicles

If your business relies on vehicles to transport workers and goods, you should ensure all vehicles are well-maintained. According to some estimates, the bill for accidents resulting from unperformed vehicle maintenance reaches more than $2 billion each year. Not only will you have to buy new vehicles more often, but also you will increase the risk of an employee getting into an accident as the result of vehicle failure, something you will have to pay for later if it leads to medical bills and a long convalescence.

Provide Adequate Training

You would be surprised how many accidents you avoid by just providing training to your employees. All staff should be adequately trained for their positions; training can include teaching them how to use equipment and how to follow safety procedures during their course of work. Proper training can also prevent them from taking shortcuts concerning safety procedures. While it may save them a bit of time in the short-term, employees need to understand the repercussions of avoiding or bypassing safety procedures.

Create a Workable Environment

Depending on where you work and the conditions in which your business needs to run, it could be freezing or swelteringly hot on the job. Inside and outside work can expose employees to extreme conditions, and both hot and cold environment s can affect people’s health and performance. If your workplace is in a frigid location, install on-site heating devices. If workers are exposed to extreme heat, make sure there is proper ventilation and airflow.

If you’ve been injured on the job, don’t hesitate to call Leonard Law Group. Our skilled Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys have decades of collective legal experience to offer your case. We have recovered millions in settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (312) 487-2513 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today!

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