New Year, New You: How Improving Physical Health Could Decrease Work Injuries

man wearing a hard hat and construction vest carrying a wooden plank in a house foundation

Benefits of Healthy Habits for Workplace Safety

If you're starting a fitness journey in the New Year, you can celebrate its effects in more ways than one. Not only is this a great way to improve your overall health but it can also significantly reduce the possibility of workplace injury. This can be attributed to several reasons, including:

Improved Mobility and Flexibility

Exercise helps to increase your range of motion, making it easier for you to move around in tight spaces or while performing complex maneuvers. This makes you less susceptible to accident-prone situations that can lead to injury due to a lack of movement. On the other hand, it can also help reduce injuries due to repetitive stress—one of the most common work injuries annually.

Stronger Muscles

One of the most important benefits of exercise is that it strengthens your muscles. When you have stronger muscles, they are better able to support your body and reduce the risk of an injury when you’re in a difficult situation such as lifting heavy objects or climbing ladders.

Better Balance and Posture

Good posture is important in order to reduce chronic aches and pain, maintain balance, and distribute the weight evenly across your body. Having better balance means that you will be less likely to slip or trip, thus reducing the risk of an injury.

Increased Stamina

Exercising regularly also increases your stamina, helping you work for longer periods of time without feeling as exhausted. This can help you stay focused and alert, reducing the chance of an accident occurring.

Other benefits of improving your overall physical health include improved energy levels, better sleep, and increased productivity. All these benefits offer a win-win situation for employees and employers—a healthier you makes for a safer working environment.

Chicago Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Leonard Law Group wishes you all a safe and healthy New Year! However, if negligent conditions lead to you becoming injured this year, we can help you seek recovery. Our skilled Chicago attorneys have recovered more than $750 million for clients throughout Illinois and are prepared to handle even the toughest challenges. Request a free consultation with a member of our team today by calling (312) 487-2513.

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