How Long Do You Get Workers' Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is provided to qualifying workers who are injured on-the-job or while performing a work-related duty. The purpose of workers’ comp is to keep you financially afloat while you recuperate and cannot work as normal. If you are approved to receive workers’ comp through your employer’s insurance provider, then how long can you expect to receive those benefits?

Temporary Disability Benefits in Illinois

For an injury that causes a temporary disability that is expected to heal adequately, you can receive temporary disability benefits equal to 66.67% of your average weekly wage at the time of your injury. This amount kicks in after you miss three days of work and lasts until you have reached your maximum medical improvement (MMI), according to your doctor’s diagnosis. Your MMI is effectively the point at which you are not expected to heal or recover any further, even with ample rest and the best medical treatments. Additionally, you will receive coverage for your medical treatments as long as your physician deems them necessary and reasonable.

Payments for Light Duty Work

When you return to work, you can receive continued benefits if you are forced to return to light duty or different work that pays less than your previous position. The amount you earn will be set to 66.67% of the difference between what you earn upon returning to work and what you earned before your injury. This additional payment set by the wage differential is provided for as long as you are employed in a position of lesser earning capacity.

For example, imagine you were earning $1,000 a week as a retail warehouse worker, but you slipped on loose debris and hurt your back. You return to work at a desk position for the same company, earning $700 a week. The wage differential between your previous and current position is $300. You would be able to collect another $200 — or 66.67% of $300 — per week through workers’ comp benefits.

Permanent Disability Benefits of Various Schedules

If you suffer a severe work-related injury that leaves you permanently and significantly disabled, you can collect 66.67% of your normal wages for the rest of your life. If you are permanently but not significantly disabled and can return to work to some capacity, then you can receive permanent partial disability benefits for an amount of weeks set by Illinois’ workers’ compensation laws. The amount of weeks is known as a “schedule,” which changes depending on the definition and severity of a disability. Some disabilities call for a schedule that lasts dozens of weeks while others have schedules that last for many years. Figuring out the schedule for your particular disability is easier with the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Chicago’s First Name in Workers’ Compensation Claims

When you need help with your workers’ compensation filing in Chicago, Illinois, turn to no other legal team than Leonard Law Group. Since 1996, we have been fighting for the rights of injured workers who are being overlooked or mistreated by insurance companies. Thanks to our team’s efforts, we have successfully secured $750+ million in verdicts, awards, and settlements for nearly 8,000 injury clients across the years.

Get a winning team on your side right away. Just call us at (312) 487-2513 to request a free consultation.

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